Chem-Man Basics


Chem-Man Demonstation

Chem-Man is a robust program with a lot of features. Here we show you the basics so you can get started right away!

Chem-Man New Release

Here is a video going over all the new updates from our January 2023 release!

Built in calculator

Ever wondered how to use our software's calculator? Check out this handy tool. It's another way that our product can save you time and money.

Chem-Man notifications

Here we show you how you can send your customer notifications directly from the Chem-Man dashboard.

Retailer Assistance


difference between Retailer StoreS and Farmer Logins

Questions about retailer stores, and farmer logins? This video provides details about the differences between our Farmer User Logins and our Retailer Store options.

Retailer Tutorial

Chem-Man Online from a Retailer/Coop perspective.


Chemical Sales and Inventory


Managing your Chemical Inventory

How to manage your inventory in the Chem-Man program.

Chemical History Reports

Now with an option to see the sales, costs, and margins along with the chemical information. (We suggest unchecking the additions, deductions and job scheduling since these do not pertain to invoices). Click on the "Show Sale Details" option and any other filters that you want.


GPS Systems, AgPilotX and Satloc G4


Importing Shapefiles to AgPilotX

Chem-Man partnered with AG PilotX, learn how they work together to make your job easier!

Satloc with Chem-Man Tutorial

How to use the Satloc G4 GPS integration with Chem-Man.

Uploading Applied Log Files

Learn how to upload your applied data (log files) into the Chem-Man system to sync it with your jobs.