
Hello everyone!

Here are some of the new features that we've added to Chem-Man.

New Enhanced Applicator Report:

If you’re not using our new enhanced applicator report, please check it out! It is the only applicator report that will be receiving new updates as well.

 You can find it in the system settings, load/applicator tab. It is very flexible and can change your preferences in real time!

Loader Comment:

The loader Comment field has been added to the Loader Worksheet (drop-down version) to allow our customers to add any information they feel is necessary for the loaders to view. 

File Export:

Many new reports have been updated to allow for export as a .csv file. This is useful to allow for better searching and grouping functions in Excel or a similar program. 

Bottom Line Report changes:

New changes and information have been added to the Bottom Line Report. For instance, it now includes Over the Counter chemical sales in its final display.

Logbook Reports:

Logbook Reports and the chemical/charge price list now feature the days preharvest and hours re-entry

Application Invoices:

You can now sort by Transaction Date ascending/descending in the Posted and Unposted Application Invoices page.  

Internal Retailers:

With our previous release, we included “internal retailers” (coops/retailers) that can be built within your own store instead of having to create another store. We can now set it where the invoice and/or statement is sent to the retailer instead of the grower.

Call our support team to ask about this feature.

Drone Swarms:

For our drone users, drones can now be grouped together into a single “swarm” that acts as a single vehicle when creating jobs and figuring out loads.

To do this you will need to go to the vehicle setup, edit and look to your right. It’s very easy to add additional ID numbers if you do swarming. These will also show up on your reporting.

Thank you for giving us great suggestions and thank you for your business as always!

The Chem-Man team.

Have a lovely day and remember if you have any questions please contact us with the number or email below!

Jackie Arnold